Queue Discussion Thread

idk if people like Lovers mode on here
it might just be Upick

How does your version of UPick work?

people give me a workable word or character, and I give abilities related to that

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legit you give me E G G
to stink (to occupy)
be protein gains (give buff)

i can run a super bastard game


People can make fun of the flavour now, woohoo.

I am roughly planning to host one special game, but I am currently on drawing board.


need 2-3 cohosts for Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash (normally itd be more but its a 30p so)
it will hopefully open signups on December 3rd-ish (if it has passed review by then :joy_cat:) and run during my winter break (which means itll start the week of December 18th or the weekend before)
design is not yet finished but will be soon. hopefully.

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That game is great!

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Idk if I can play or host at that time tbh, maybe but idk.

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Hello just curious. It says semi open games are allowed in the vanilla queue, how semi open? Do they need a rolelist only? Set rules on how the roles can spawn? How explicit would the rules have to be, does it have to be fully documenting like C9++ or can there be some unknowns on how the rand will take place?

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AFAIK as long as you have the list of potential roles, then that’s enough to be called semi-open.

Having that said, it wouldn’t hurt to add a note on how you rand if you are using a method involving RNG. It doesn’t have to be as documented as C9++ in the wiki, but it would be very much preferable.

If the setup is already well-known like C9++, then I think you can just use the wiki link as explanation / reference.

If you think about it, then CoDs are basically semi-open games with mech-heavy roles and a King mechanic.

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That’s perfect. I want to explain all of the mechanisms to decide roles behind the scenes while keeping the actual processes and variables to do said mechanisms private


imo, a game is “semi-open” if someone could, theoretically, take the publicly known information and run a Valid version of that setup

which usually means

  • all possible roles are public
  • all ~mechanics are public
  • the randing method for which roles exist is known

but it sounds like there might be some disagreement on the last point lol


ive heard “semi open” meaning that vs “semi closed” just being “all possible roles/mechanics are public” without the last point


Okay so I want to have something thats semi open, subalignment slots. roles are given weights to establish some kind of safeguard. Would I have to release how those roles are weighted and how said weights are interpreted?

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if the setup is otherwise basically vanilla I would probably let you run it in the vanilla queue regardless :joy_cat:

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I’d say it’s otherwise vanilla.

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