Queue Discussion Thread

if the vig is chopped day 1 the game can last for 5 day phases and 4 nights although one of those day phases is a forced sleep

so 2 weeks?

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depends on when signups end too

Don’t give people ideas :sob:

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if signups take exactly a week or two weeks and vig dies d1

17 or 23 gamestart (for americans, which is the time that i think fam4 is opening via calculations)

16: pregame ends 17, day 1 ends 19, n2 ends 20, d2 ends 22, n3 ends 23, d3 ends 25, n4 ends 26, d5 ends 28, n6 ends 29, d6 ends 31, n6 ends 1st, game must end d7

23: pregame ends 24, day 1 ends 26, n2 ends 27, d2 ends 29, n3 ends 30, d3 ends 1, n4 ends 2. which means d3 has to be the end

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So realistically the game ends before June


chop wolf d1
wolf kills vig n1
vig shoots town n1
6v1 → 4v1 → 2v1

so 4 max day phases, 3 night phases, so 11 days

it could be longer if vig gets chopped d1 which i excluded hoping that people would play sane (clueless emoji)

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You just want people to say yes to this :joy_cat:




pretty much always
if signups take 7 days it’d still end by then


If you peer pressure me in dms to join this game one more time i wont do it!!

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Thanks friends appreciate u guys

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It won’t be peer pressure the next time :gun:


i have been flashwagoned as vig on D1 before

granted it was a turbo but never discount the possibility dumb stuff happens

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we had a day 1 vig mischop too a few months ago

it wasnt a turbo

so you know it was a banger


Does that mean you’ll join BoTF from peer pressure?

Absolutely not


think its the opposite

You joined one BOTF though.