Queue Discussion Thread

skill issue imo

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you know what eliza
youā€™re not even old enough to drink
so like

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In the end, did you drink before or after work?

do you think Iā€™m stupid enough to drink before work?

Obviously I am


Admirable dedication. Kudos.

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hello queue discussion thread!
you may have noticed that I swapped around the position of a bunch of my games in the queue

this means that virtuous is coming for you way sooner
virtuous will be great sign up for it when it opens
features include:

  • EVERY SINGLE ROLE HAS BEEN REWORDED AND REVAMPED. Some more so than others. 1/3 of the Unseen roles received a heavy rework.
  • conversion revamp! evils now start at faction cap and canā€™t convert for a night after a member dies
  • 5 new Unseen roles, Soulcatcher returned
  • Sword of Damocles rework on King (hopefully this makes king more important). also starting king is a doublevoter again
  • no neutral killer :pensive:


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for six long months have I laboredā€¦

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and icet and amelia

Lizards gaming :D
Donā€™t worry guys, Iā€™m gonna be good this time (probably)


not once you get mezzed :flushed:

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Thatā€™s the plan~
I mean, what? :3

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Imagine if you were temptress picked in Fall of Rome.

i am unfortunately obligated to play


*looks at Special Queue*
Huhā€¦ Thatā€™s odd. I donā€™t see any of my setups.
This month must be my vacation month. I guess Iā€™ll focus on Vanilla for the time being.
(Well. There is that, and Zombie Chronicle, and whatever we can milk out of our own FAM4 flavor.)
Ah, yes. Wazzaā€™s present. Gotta work on that as well.

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If I get temptressā€™d in FoR, monokumaā€™d in between hope & despair or approached by a mez normally. You can bet Iā€™m going for the evil things~

Missed opportunity :pensive: .

Would yā€™all be interested in me hosting another minority rule (Like this post if yes, report me if no)


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