Queue Discussion Thread

they usually say stuff like that anyway

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More often than not itā€™s just an explanation of a mechanic in plain language

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Not here!

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They say closed role madness and thatā€™s about it

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Eh. I donā€™t like that game.

It was meant to be a testament as to how all my effort into making things fancy are worthless, yet now it is used to prove that simple designs are good.

Worst of all: Itā€™s a mountainous. I am the guy who takes pleasure in making ā€œnever before seenā€ role combinations and interactions. Imagine my mixed feelings when I saw that people like the vanilla setup.

On one hand: ā€œYay! I made something people are happy at; something I can be proud of!ā€

On the other hand: ā€œIf people like vanilla setupsā€¦ then, is there any worth at all in my efforts making special setups?ā€


i was in all honesty, memeing
i get what you mean


You would post the OP.

Yes, exactly.

Inspired by Singers FM is a terrifying sentence


A public competition of setups where players vote for which setup they wanna play sounds the same to me as just allowing multiple games to open for sign ups at the same time, have players read their OPs, and decide if they wanna sign up or not. Iā€™m not opposed to it, Iā€™m the only one who voted ā€œyes, allow multiple games to run at the same timeā€. The competition and voting just feel like extra steps to me in a situation where there is already a lack of engangement (lack of players signing and not a lot of users hosting), and to me it feels like allowing multiple or infinite amount of setups to be opened achieves the same thing



if two really good setups open at the same time the odds that either fills is obliterated if we abolish the queue


community cooperation would be required a lot more for a non-queue system i think and it would just be a disaster compared to doing this kinda thing


The solution clearly is that we need a ton of semi-open setups to get designed so that we never run out of setups to run

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Looks at WoW:BfA v3 that has been in very slow development over a year

2/9 of the way complete

i already tried that

I think allowing multiple setups to have OPs open would be better than a voting system (though Iā€™m not entirely sold on either being better than the queue in most scenarios)

A voting system is attempting to gauge the interest in a game, but not every vote actually corresponds to a /in, whereas just having signups open fixes that

And with a voting system, thereā€™s potential for games that a smaller audience would enjoy a lot to constantly be outvoted by games that a larger audience would enjoy a lesser amount (even if the games that cater to the smaller audiences would fill if allowed to open)


IE: Stratagem games (and games similar to that) do sometimes fill and run, and theyā€™d probably occasionally run if allowed to open

But it seems unlikely theyā€™d ever win a vote unless thereā€™s very little competition

This could maybe be solved by continuing to separate Special and Vanilla setups
But IDK if thatā€™d be enough

I think itā€™s ~fine if you allow people to do ā€œ/in if this game fills firstā€