Queue Discussion Thread

i would join neighbor fm if that passes tbhtbhtbh

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I would join Mahjong Soul FM tbtbbt btb Th tbhtbhtbjtb Bthb


if a game pops up that is exactly 17 slots, 13v4, rolemadness, semi-bastard, contains a mafia vanilla cop, and also is as far deviated from mafia as possible, i think i’d consider maybe playing


So, experimental then?


i’m not answering this out of fear of you getting any ideas


To be fair, this is the only factor that is the most difficult to handle.

Mafia (the game) is played with uninformed majority (i.e., “town”) and informed minority (i.e., “mafia”), where all players vote out a singular player each day, and “mafia” vote out a “town” each night. The game ends when any faction are out. (+/- edge cases)

A simple inversion of these aspects would already be sufficient to fulfill the criteria.

“Aifam” is played with informed majority (nwot) and uninformed minority (aifam), where players select one player at day who will decide who ascends (other than themself). However, “nwot” cannot let another “nwot” ascend. Each night, each “aifam” must vote out a player (two players if “aifam” exiled a “nwot”), but only “nwot” ascend. The game ends when any faction only has one survivor (sinner) or less.

it’s an open setup so you could pass it

It was not until after I looked up details that I realized what aifam and nwot meant :sob:


I can review literally anything if someone wants to @ me with it


@Luka :flushed:


it’s an open setup so ig I can just add you thbthtbthbththb

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Just because April showers can fill up to 15 players, I don’t think we can open up ANOTHER one at this current time of the year.

Not enough players to fill up another 15 player game


I mean but itll be a diff group of players, no?

april showers can take up to 15, but the same 15 people who play april showers are not going to be the same 15 who would play another game, just bc the players may not necessairly enjoy them the same


Well lets also not forget Blood on the Forum game currently running

So three games ain’t going to cut it, and I dont think I will enjoy that type of game.

true, but miscs are still their own category and its still fair to say that the group of people who would play a botf are still different than those who would play a special game or those who would play a vanilla game

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I don’t disagree that suppose to work, just right now not enough players, it’s evidently known since Fall 2024

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this is true
but i think the special/vanilla people have Enough overlap to where we shouldn’t open more than 1

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I dont think it would hurt to try (i just really wanna play a vanilla game lmao)

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ye fair