Queue Discussion Thread

I have literally everything except that. My past setups -while containing some unusual roles- are ultimately using standard mechanics.

(Well. The original Nightmare Woods was a setup born by literally putting two setups together, which was a bad idea in hindsight, but that’s about the extent of my muscle-brained creativity.)


I’d argue that you wanting to pursue setups is creative.

And also yeah. It was a bad idea! Never give anyone a 1-shot modpost ever again!


I will get you back for this, one way or the other! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Ah, yes. I remember that being fun.
(…I only remember wolfing with Windward and someone else, and somehow managing to win as Goon by -among others- lying about my stats. Boy, do I love lying.)

Ah… This one was nuts, yes. I remember… having a big grudge against… Margarette(?) and Litten doing some mad **** FPS on D1.
(I don’t pay attention post-mortem though, so I don’t remember much afterwards. I think I lost?)

Chat was anonymous but public… Yeah, I randed Town that game, so IDK what that one was about. (…I did rand Town, I think? My memory is failing me…)

To be fair, I can probably take it on as long as whoever I am working with doesn’t slack off.

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I feel like im on the opposite end
I have like 0 sense of balance but i think i can create/host some high quality shitposty games

See: homestuck

I should host that again


Random Town Chronomancer pog

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Ah… Pain. Serial Killer with 2 Rampage. Sounds good on paper, if not for the lack of fakeclaim and abundance of investigatives.


@Zone_Q11 are you still on review team?

not for 6 months

Cool, I will refrain from taking blacklisted person as host as well.

Which means I still am recruting and considering applications.


have i been rejected

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“Considering applications”


@beancat @Marluna remind me what timezones you are from, please.

US pacific, GMT -7

UtC +1 or +2 (depends on light time saving)

It’s middle Europe

Ah yes, Enemy Within is based on your design of Blender

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So which game’s signups are opening next? Sorc17er or Fall of Rome?

unfortunately I can’t host my sorc17er until the 14th, so probably Mountanious AMQ fm

@Arete I wouldn’t mind if this is answered ASAP.

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