Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Because Sheeping isn’t really AI it’s just bad to do

But then why lie about it. Your not answering my question

VOTE: Brakuren

You don’t use gimmick strategies to get yourself cleared
I’ve seen like what more than a dozen of your games?

MU Article link

like it’s really giving :sob: :sob:

So your saying i am wrong. Cause you three also have chance to not be scum. So yo ur stating okaza brak and yourself are all wrong on your reads

I loke being aggressively attavked and being called pathetic and idiotic cause i made a read day 1. And people wonder why i have anxiety problems

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man manipulating my words.

Truely a pity that this comes from y Town read

Rich coming from you

okay but do you actually have a reason individually to believe any of them are scum

I’ve just seen in from both alignment I don’t need an MU article

I am your Shepard

You didn’t read
You’re not even trying with the initial proposition

The optics behind the triangle aren’t anything different than three players picked at random
So if you want to yolo there I question why

wdym manipulating my words I quoted a post where you said someone was outted mafia and then quoted a post from another game where someone said someone was outted mafia :skull_and_crossbones:

I have two nulls in there and one slight town.
Not any strong scum reads which is why i am not pushing it and i said devils advocate

(Hopefully I’m not toxic)

Oh. Yeah. I don’t clear myself. If other people scumread me, then I check their arguments, and if they scumread me because I am being myself, then I ignore it. Otherwise, I argue with them until we reach a point of disagreement again.

This is not my homesite. Lying is a waste of energy when people are actually playing the game and focusing on each other and the gamestate instead of focusing at me.

You wanted me to not be nice
I can be nice if you want
Brak just makes me angry by existing in the same space

I didn’t even make a point with it it just reminded me of him