Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Yeah and if mafia are rituald they get to convert so they will alll vote for one of them. So theres already at minimum 4 votes on a mafia.

I think this has a high chance of being the case. Thankfully, the wolves can’t change their potential target for that one ability so we’re safe to discuss who we should sacrifice now.

I am nominating @Frostwolf103 as the ritual target.

I think they are very very likely town and less helpful than Brakkuren or Leafia.

Only 3 group mafia. Unless the traitor joined them last night.

I’d recommend either Zone or Hippo myself. Those are my two top townreads.


I have used my one shot ability on O.Kazio. This means their ritual abilities for today are disabled.

I propose we sacrifice them this ritual phase. Since they will not be able to use a ritual ability, this results in what is effectively a second execution for us. Additionally, since only two abilities block ritual abilities (and a ritual ability being blocked is loud), sacrificing o.kazio will confirm my claim, since the other ability that is capable of disabling rituals requires guessing kazios role correctly, which there is no way I could do on night 1 as a heretic.

And before someone says “oh what if you are pushing a wolf for the conversion?”, if thats the case, you will know I bullshitted because no “the ritual has failed” host message will come, and you can just hang me on the stop, which would kill two wolfes for a new one being converted which is still a net gain for town, meaning this play would be absolutely idiotic for wolf me to do

We are never ritualling zone imo

Do you want to be rituald?

It’s my fault I don’t want to be executed with two unreasurable vote on my back, and told a name I thought would make people at least talk.

feel free to fact check me on the mech claims

Nice lets just do this then that was easy

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Hmmm, I’m fine either way with how good my ritual ability is. Even if it is a bit risky. I think it’s more likely that the wolves chained themselves to Brak than to me if they used that ability after all.

Dont think it makes sense for mafia to out and do this on a fellow mafia so may aswell believe it and get an extra hang

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I think I have a third locktown now. I agree with Dum’s proposal.

Do I really have to claim here?

Also Dums claim is the exact optimal play for what a smart exorcist would do so i think probably truthful

And even if o.kazo isnt mafia theyre clearly poe and i value getting them out over just removing a town and someone getting two votes lol


I agree with Dum here.

It’s not like I am very useful and I had my 1 night for the Grey sister ability to start the countdown.

I am looking at dum.

@SirDerpsAlot last mafia game please

is this a grey sister claim or what im confused