Ritual Mafia V - Dead Chat

MU is equally as bad so it doesn’t count

except actually I don’t think I’ve played with Hippo before this and he was awesome so it wasn’t one person

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Yeah hippo is cool

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Idk just become a cookie threader

I’d say “like me!” But the only reason I’m not both is becclause I reviewed a lot of games

leafia i now think there’s like a 35% chance you were town and if you actually are im so sorry for throwing

I was trying to protect Derps and the most telling part of Brak being groupwolf is his instlistance on me being Shaman. Honestly, after thinking it over, I would’ve cleaned myself no matter what role I was if I was a wolf. Besides, Shaman isn’t even the one they’d want to hide the death of the most. Seer is in order to avoid people knowing that it’s safe to claim.

Apology accepted.

It made perfect sense. It was cover for Derps.

I should have known he was scum his genshin opinions are so bad



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Anyway, heading out now, so talk to everyone more later. :sleepingleafeon:

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Have a good day, Leafia.

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Only if ur town i still think ur prolly mafia just not so sure now

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I hope someone revives me already :pensive:


YO QUAVA! what up


I successfully had a good day.

Read through my iso then decide.

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Going to head back out until activity improves. :sleepingleafeon:

deadchats cool everyone alive sucks anyway (im not salty)

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Why didn’t you simply rand evil and stay alive?