Ritual Mafia V - Dead Chat

I’ll need y’all’s input on who to seance

Massive Bionic L

Garfooled not being able to seance any more is bad though. I hope they can figure stuff out.

At least we have a healer now though.

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Brak is howling now. Literally. If town actually is dumb enough to sacrifice him, it deserves to lose.

Anyway, heading out for now, so talk to everyone more later. :sleepingleafeon:

Well that flip is upsetting

Because he lied about his role to kill me not because he doesn’t feel bad I don’t feel bad about killing me either that game was hell

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I mean I had a check on you before you claimed diviner and you did it really bad

Derps why didnt you save me

hosts wouldnt let me be a doctor


I thought we were friends

I feel like it is brak and they played incredibly well d1 and d2

idk brak def knew what I was trying to do so why not just not kill me

How else would he get confirmed so he can get sacrificed?

Dies laughing Brak just claimed I’m adverse to bussing. That’s like saying that he’s adverse to rts. I am a hardbusser and everyone knows it. This never comes from a villager.

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do you think Brak has an accurate read on your meta?

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(I also think he’s scum but that could be a genuine belief of his LOL)

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I’m literally a hardbusser as a wolf so no.

I see they still don’t realize the real reason it failed. Because they executed one of the teo choices for it before it could go off. How they haven’t realized that is beyond me.