Ritual Mafia V - Dead Chat

How you never realized Brak is a wolf is beyond me too. He’s playing like a textbook wolf would. He’s wolfy to the extreme.

I’m taking this as confirmation from you.

I honestly don’t think we can win this any more. Wolves have won.

Confirmation of what?

I don’t know.
I’m tired. I think I played the best I could have in the situation.

I could have lived, but I think you’re close to being best

Frost was the most obvtown I’ve ever seen a villager be imo. I won’t berate you too hard because sometimes it can be hard to see that in the heat of the moment.

Is dum also evil?

Ok, I’m gonna level with you: I still cannot see Frost being town with how he reacted to Hazard being Ritualed.

Thats what I am realizing

Kinda feel like theyd have called out brak by now

I don’t think anyone’s figuring Brak out this game.

Oh, yeah, Leafia, what the heck was the Hazard situation?

He trolled so hard, that we try our best to ignore him, literally drained everyone out

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I don’t know but Ithink it’s possible.

How would I know?

Do you expect me to believe that you were randomly chosen to have your logs scrambled?

I want garfooled to be ritualed, it requires some patience from Dum why its better this way.

Dum being scum and have used Dark Omen on Hazard makes lot more sense than Cleanse.

No. They chose me because they wanted to eventually execute me and be able to still push the world that I was evil. Duh. No idea how that isn’t obvious by now given how things have gone. You know how scummy I look every game even as town.

No, actually, I really don’t.
And quite honestly, I do not think I will ever understand the meta here.

I don’t think understanding the meta here fully is even possible.

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