Ritual Mafia V - Dead Chat

Use all thousand of your words to express your opinions and thoughts in a readlist of sorts. Don’t worry about necessarily being correct or having to express yourself in detail, it’s an unlimited use ability anyway. Ask them to say a particular word to signal us too, if they want.

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I think the replacement might be for Geyde.

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I am really sorry.

At first, I didn’t think town will go with it.

ur good

it was just self-pres iirc

Until otherwise proven, I think the evil team is SDA / Someone / Zone / Hazard, with one of the latter two as the traitor. We’ll see how an Ash execution turns out, because that’s plausible.

wait i forgot to send my message

this is why dead interaction is bad

It is not the fault of the medium if dead players fail to utilise their service. Dead interaction is borderline broken if, y’know, the dead players actually respond.
It’s like saying a reveal button is bad because the mayor couldn’t use their threadpull well enough. It’s not their fault, the abilities are still great.

oh im not saying its weak

im saying its bad

dead players are frequently disengaged from the game after they die (like me!)
to make them play the game in an extremely limited fashion, like medium does, is strange at best
like. if it were Clocktower dead interaction then that’d be ok because they still fully play the game
but getting to send 1 message to 1 guy every once in a while is generally not a good “engagement with dead” kind of thing
also, many dead players (like me) want to go to spec chat after I die because im fucking dead

i do feel like most games with limited dead interaction should provide dead (particularly dead mafia) to forsake their dead interaction capabilities and go to spec chat

the ability to

I generally prefer unlimited mediums in the uninformed graveyard from the onset much for that same reason, yeah.


I will go with Occam’s razor, and I’m saying Leafia is evil.