Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

You are

I am clear I am in the poe.
So I didn’t wanted to waste my ability if I am chopped D2.

I haven’t expected to be exorcised, though.

You cant stop death?

Alright, we don’t do my thing then, because thats dumb now

kazo claims self resolving (GS who used ability) and frost claims to have stopped me anyways

I kinda believe o.kazo and frost and dum tbh

Mafia be sleeping

Lets sacrifice frost

@Zone_Q11 so did you have cold feat or what? Nothing happened to me

Um, Brakuren claims to be Diviner.

Is this real?

TBF claiming GS here is optimal for a wolf who is about to get exed on a generated trial, but on the other hand we can play it safe and just


we should have people claiming GS info ability tommorow unless kazo is full of shit

its self resolving

Frost do you mind being sacrificed? Im going to push for it and vote for you anyway but im interested to know if you mind

After tomorow.
My ability activates the night after the next.

Well dont vote for Dum given what Brakuren have claimed and I may have saved O.kazo’s life

we could sacrifice kazo actually

insta confirms GS ability exists and since failed ritual ability is loud it also hard confirms frost as V or W depending on what happens

Grey Sister is one of the most powerful town roles we have. I hope to god this is fake.

On who and is it real?

i think its real at this point and i hate it

Remember last game when Bionic outed the red check early so there wasn’t spew? I’m keeping it to myself till later


How about no, dont do that actually. I know there has to be someone trustworthy, but not me.

And if you really think I am wolf, you still better kill me, because I can just claim one of my targets died.
(I hope they won’t, though)