Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

you are making no sense but okay

I mean ur also mafia but I don’t have a red check on tou

Frost misunderstood what brakkuren said and thinks they said you are mafia

Oh okay whatever

it’s either exactly kazio/frost/+1 or they are both likely town and im pretty sure its the latter and I hate myself for it

skill issue

When brakkuren said “you are” when you asked if you were missing something, frost took that to mean brakkuren saying you are red check even though thats not what they meant

It likely Shaman fake claiming to have blocked O. Kazo do you can take their place in the ritual. It’s pretty obvious

doing that just keeps the wolf count exactly the same and unless the shaman was under fire theres no reason to trade them

now, for your theory to make sense, i would need to be shaman, otherwise its still loosing two mafia to me being outted

and I literally was not under any type of severe pressure so that makes 0 sense

You eliminate a town, plus you have had really aligned conversations with the person I have a red check on

and we arent even doing it anymore because frost used their ability

Yeah. I guess got cold feet after reading the cluster**** that was EOD1. I visited someone else. Someone who got roleblocked.

dude if you have a redcheck that strong you out it right now thats two of three scum

either drop down the hammer or shut the fuck up i dont care which

Ah I see, Shaman fakeclaiming as Excorcist.

yeah actually lets sacrifice O.kazo since I did purify on O.kazo thus it should have stopped the soul exchange.

This. O.Kazo is still the move here anyways

if its real GS we give the votes to frost for being blatantly town after their ritual abilities trigger

I think frost is already blatantly town tbh

True and I’m not sure I like how quick Frost was to advocate for Dum’s death if Brak’s redcheck is real.

Not so sure myself.

Especially after that one post.

Derps? Magnus rbed him.