Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Pretty sure theres will be a cop

There are more good people then there are roles

odds are there is like at least 1 of each role

Iā€™m monarch

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No, no. Do it. Add me in there.

psure thats not true but too lazy to run the math

let me rephrase: I dont think we have a N1 red check, not that we dont have a cop

Brakā€¦anyone couldā€™ve killed Magnus. Zone probably wouldā€™ve killed you.

I have an n1 red check

yea fair

and im a fridge

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odds are higher tho due to unique roles

What if it was ā€œmy scumbuddiesā€? If they could convince w!Zone to kill Magnus over anyone else, then w!Zone would comply.

Why would zone kill me after my terrible eod

Hi fridge

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Because heā€™s Zone.

Ah, yes. The ultimate and best explanation to argue why someone should be scumread: ā€œRead their ISOā€. Why is Eliza scum? Read her ISO. Why are you town? Read your ISO.

Itā€™s the pinnacle answer to any ā€œkingā€. Because thatā€™s what they are known for: Screaming what they want to be, and being lazy.

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If you go down 1 post I litterally explain but your too busy only trying to disprove my weakest arguments

ā€œHey can I copy your homework?ā€
ā€œSure. Just donā€™t make it obvious.ā€
The homework:

Gotta love how you donā€™t disprove magnusā€™s arguments and instead sus me <3

Ah, yeah. True.
Before I slept, that is.
Then I woke up to N1 and changed my mind.