Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

What do you think of Bionic with this recent interaction?

Very bad want to kill

A little panic, right?

Itā€™s hard for me to tell emotions

I-Ive bween vewy bad pwease dont punish mweee~

time to leave

wtf am I looking at

Let me know when youā€™ve figured it out.

Donā€™t act like this stuff doesnā€™t happen in ToS

it does

but thats not a fair comparion. I expect ToS playes to be morons

Also the time pressures/role strenght there is not comparable lol that point is irrelevant

Bionic have been telling about Ash being dead, I ask if he wants to kill Ash, just say again no heā€™s just dead, then I ask if heā€™s going to defend him, defend who? Defend Ash. Then he come to realization heā€™s talking about Eliza, then further claiming he have no thoughts about Ash.

Meanwhile hippo may be thinking Bionic is reaching levels of TWTBAW

no such thing (in most cases)

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Alright, now weā€™re just making acronyms up.

TWTBAW = To Wolf To Be A Wolf



Oh god, not WIFOM.

Yeah I donā€™t like this train of thought, itā€™s kinda wolfy

Did you see my RT I did on Bionic?
I thought that was more concrete

Im gonna be honest I donā€™t really believe in TWTBAW for most slots

Wine in Front of Me