Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

oh i see lol
ok that makes sense

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Please address my with “Our Majesty”


you dropped this :crown:


like there’s a reply chain that basically goes

Geyde: makes a vote
Our Majesty: bad vote tbh
Me: you were gonna say that no matter what because you think he’s scum right
Our Majesty: Yeah


are we winning

Nothing has happened

ill take that as a yes

Two town are dead with no mafia to show for it, so, uh, not at the moment.

well if the grey whatever is real we should be in a good spot imo

Gar Hi!

Need to pull out the spreadsheet at some point.

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Don’t really know how to read the situation.

Yeah, but I didn’t target Magnus.

Omg i love spreadsheets

That does not stop me from pre-voting though.
VOTE: Derps

To the Valiant and Steadfast People of Our Kingdom,

In the heart of our realm, where unity and loyalty have long been the bedrock of our strength, it grieves me to address you under circumstances most dire and unprecedented. As your sovereign, entrusted with the welfare and security of our beloved kingdom, I bear the heavy burden of disclosing a matter that strikes at the very core of our values and trust.

It has come to light, through irrefutable evidence and thorough investigation, that a citizen among us, known to you as Bionic, has committed acts of betrayal against the kingdom and its people. This betrayal, marked by actions most deceitful and intentions gravely harmful, represents not just a violation of our laws, but an affront to the principles of loyalty, honor, and trust that bind us all.

Bionic, once regarded as a member of our community, engaged in clandestine endeavors to undermine the security of our kingdom and the safety of its people. Through subterfuge and collusion with enemies of the state, Bionic sought to destabilize the peace and prosperity that we have tirelessly worked to uphold.

Let it be known that such betrayal shall not stand unchallenged. We are a kingdom united not just by land and law, but by an unbreakable commitment to justice and the common good. In response to this grave betrayal, we shall take all necessary measures to ensure the security of our realm and the well-being of its people. Bionic will face the full extent of our laws, and justice shall be served, as it is the right of every citizen to live in a kingdom free from treachery and fear.

As we navigate these troubled waters, I call upon each of you to stand together, stronger and more united than ever. Let not the actions of one tarnish the spirit of our people or weaken the bonds that unite us. In the face of adversity, we shall rise, guided by our enduring values of fairness, courage, and loyalty.

In these trying times, I am reminded of the resilience and indomitable spirit of our people. Together, we have faced challenges of great magnitude and emerged stronger, not because we are untested, but because we face our trials as one.

Therefore, let us move forward with resolve and unity, reaffirming our commitment to the principles that define us. Let our actions reflect the strength and dignity of our kingdom, as we work tirelessly to safeguard our future and honor the legacy of those who came before us.

In Service to You and Our Kingdom,

King Brakuren

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ChatGPT really cooking with that one.

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hi garf

we’ve played together before right