Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

I think we’re safe for now. Bionic has only 4 votes currently.

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keeping a vote count seems extremely pointless
if someone doesn’t claim they voted O.kazo for ritual they just look like scum, and so does the person they voted

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exorcist isn’t a unique role
am I missing something here? can only two of a role show up or something?

its max 3

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just three of same non-unique class.

also I voted O.kazo if it wasn’t obvious

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if it’s max 3 then I don’t really understand the problem unless Leafia’s claim was serious

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It wasn’t.

Joke claim perhaps, not to mention there is Minister that exists too.

I think it’s blatently obvious my claim was meant as a joke.

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if you don’t know what they’re saying that’s a skill issue on YOUR part lol
maybe I’ve just played enough games with Frost but I understand his messages despite him not having perfect english

Going to head off to do some shopping now, so talk to everyone more later. :sleepingleafeon:

I know that but I wanted you to state it again in case somehow Frost thought that your claim was real and Hippo was the fake exorcist

because rn they could fully all be real and I don’t really have a good reason to suspect any of them

(well that’s kind of a lie but this isn’t the kill people phase and I have last will so)

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Geyde → @Garfooled

I’m the conjurer can we just get rid of derps, I’m a strong role and Derps has just been super scummy to me

if it’s not related to you they probably don’t care if you respond anyway

VOTE: SirDerps

oh we ARE in execution phase

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I keep forgetting eod is 9 am my time

I am still thinking Hippo is legit, he just…have different plans

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Are we not gonna talk about Zone?