Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

I converted you

Oh yeah. Execution Phase.

VOTE: Derps

3P Brakuren confirmed.

first time?

I wish

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(I thought you meant something specific about Zone’s posting and not just the whole thing LOL)

I have no clue. Just got the impression that we were going to speak about them more than we are now.

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…the weirdest part of this Brakuren/Bionic interaction is the fact that I had (and still have) both as townread because Bionic is just Brakuren 2.0.

(…I am assuming Brakuren claims redcheck on Bionic? This time for real?)

Hold on a minute hold your horses

So I got de-excorcized or some dumb shit?

You just CC’d then what?

I didn’t claim to roleblock SDA, i did it but i didn’t say it yet

I mean other than these… questionable posts this seems like average Zone gameplay

But you just did whaaa?

That was an obvious joke I rescind

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knock it off, that’s a stupid gummick and you know it

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No. My skill issue is not understanding Magnus’ arguments to scumread me.

I am saying their skill issues are not understanding what I did at N1.

Point to the message i said i roleblocked derps
