Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

I don’t even know why everyone started assuming he was one.

I just had him as one on my spreadsheet when I opened the thing.

I don’t know why Bionic even went to SDA, like in KE he went on “strong Town” like Achro, so idk why he didn’t go to like Geyde or Hippo

Last game I was able to talk to him and get like actual reads out of him, this game he just immediately jumps at me being a wolf and nothing else

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Going to head back out for food now. :sleepingleafeon:

Being chaotic recarninate he is, speaking of the devil, its because he started the CFD. I dont see O.kazo claim it otherwise.

@SirDerpsAlot Can you link the post?

just looked at this ping I forgot earlier

wtf even is this lmao

SDA did CFD in KE as well, but bionic didn’t cop him

be more specific?

you were saying?

oh that

fine I guess I can go find the post but idk whats stopping you from doing it smh

I’m gonna be honest, I read Bionic and Derps as clown town.

Just do it…


I said I was doing it in that post!

And what did you find out, what is the result of all this?

Frost I truly have no idea what youre trying to get at

You asked O.kazo who to CFD, O.kazo suggested Eliza but then you and O.kazo voted Geyde.

I am not here to make you stimulate.

Thats how it be sometimes

are you trying to say im a wolf for it or just pointing it out im unsure

Perhaps you are mafia, even if you weren’t factional killer at this time. Where am I going with this, if you can solve with the CFD stunt you pulled.

I noticed that you weren’t following O.kazo entirely, you vote back to Eliza after Leafia.