Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Oh btw the Magnus NK over like Frost, Me, and Garf basically spews @Hippopablompoyeetus town

how are we all feeling about Guava I cant remember anything iv seen from them recently

All I see is two-way street

Magnus was tring Bionic tho

(Who would never expect a visit from meā€¦?)

Zone/Ash w/w? Lemme look at interactions

They have 1 and they donā€™t even say anything to each other

If you want variety, I can call you Sir

@Frostwolf103 @Hippopablompoyeetus

Does Zone typically buss or no

nah thats too hard to tell when youre talking about me when I skim thread

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Kinda like Someone right?

I want to say that I have the vaugest memory of zone being against bussing but this is a very old memory and I have very little confidence in it


Yeah idk how you do it It confuses me and im not even you

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There are a lot of comedic moments, so its worth it

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If this is the case, a w/w Zone/Ash world would likely be Zone null-town reading Ash, and Ash probably wolf reading zone




I used to be mafia together with Zone on Helluva Boss Mafia game, its not exactly great example since I played so poorly that I manage to outwit every town with antispew. He voted me several times if that answer the question. Typical? I wouldnā€™t count on that experience.

hey guys ive been sick all day but now i

awesome VOTE: ash