Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Sir wouldnt claim to be any of the other roles

God damnit youā€™re committing to the bit

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Yes Sir

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Derps. I once again say this, but I hate to be the rolefisher. Are you actually Diviner?


Thatā€™s not enough of a reason for you to not include them in the list of possible roles; you should have included the evil roles.

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Iā€™m like

Really bad an not claimig, terrible habit of mine ngl

But why would I care about the evil roles, im pretty sure every evil role is either immune or would know

I get your point and it crossed my mind but it makes sense cuz Iā€™m theory everyone should be thinking from a time perspective anyways

Plus non town roles getting feedback is meh because Iā€™m obviously not going to legit claim any of those anyways

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Iā€™m just gonna not correct the typos lmfao

*Zoneā€™s frustration increases*
ā€¦I need the hostsā€™ consult.


Whats the issue?

ā€¦? Derps claims to get feedback on roleblock.
But not only can any Evil lie about it, w!Derps could also tell the truth and just get roleblocked as Evil Investigative.

IDK. It just doesnā€™t sit well with me how you said ā€œonly 2 rolesā€ get feedback.


Yea but 3 different people said they roleblocked him

Im not saying he is good, but if he is good, there are only 2 roles he could be

(I have hosted of mech-heavy setups, and I genuinely donā€™t understand why not many people just ask hosts questions when they want a clarification.)

Welp. It seems I ainā€™t going to be of much help until hosts are online.

Wait was this not a keyboard smash?

wtf does that even mean

Nope. Welcome to abbreviations; theyā€™ve been good at confusing people since their birth.

Not telling what it means yet. I need the hosts to verify something first.