Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Evils don’t have the guts to let me live another day

I would argue that focusing on groupscum is more valuable because it reduces the number of coordinated threats against town, and a flipped mafia’s ISO gives valuable information on who their compatriots could be.

If Leafia does flip red or even pink, we need to look on Garfooled as next exe.

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Textbook scenario

See what they need to mimic a fraction of our power

tbf the lost wolf roles are all super strong and it would be nice to get that out first but there’s no point hunting them let’s jut kill obviously suspicous people

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I still believe this can be inbetween Garfooled and Derps

I’m probably dead tonight considering I’m not using my exorcist ability tonight, Frost is, so if they kill me they can prevent me from using my exorcist ability tomorrow night.

But I have made peace

I’m not making a log btw you guys can iso me for my reads :upside_down_face:

[angry Geyde noises]

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Fine I’ll do a log but it will be a chat gpt of life under a despotic king called brakkuren


Ok, @Frostwolf103, Astand’s just confirmed that a Purified Diviner’s action would go through a Fire Rune.
There’s no out for Leafia.

This may have been the first game i’ve been in where a scum has been caught because they were “protected” lol


Any town killers should kill Geyde slot if Leafia is mafia tbh

Well there’s something, no read on Ash or nothing just blank vote.

No mention of ash, but I find this related to Leafia.

I don’t think there’s town KP this game?

Idk the third one but I totally think it is Leafia / Garfooled. Ash doesn’t seem particularly paired with either tbqh so we’ll see, they might not be third if both the other 2 are bad.

Oh I just assumed we’d have one, I haven’t read OP

Yeah, the Martyr’s the only KP we have, and even that’s conditional.