Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Ah thats okay, one medium gets to meet their friend from the other side then

brak you are actually serious?

please dont fuck this up

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probably wasnt on or didnt backread to it

I claimed Self Resolving d2 wdym

i dont think they’re fr
they scumread geyde since d1 according to guava
and claimed every role
medium being one they havent yet claimed

its just a convient way to get me out without casing their sus

Claiming a Unique role before massclaim (or, at least, a massclaim that people abide by) seems wildly resiky.

im very tempted to ritual garfooled and execute brak if it turns out garf was town

or they;re just scum

I wonder why

Then who did you target, and what did you get?

I beg my pardon, but you would realize Eliza is doctor right? You could have healed someone N1

you could do that
if you dont care ab magnus’s 1000 word thing

Ah ho…word play, I don’t mean some1

I think we ritual Garfooled anyways to confirm Frost?

I dont care about it enough to miss an mech guaranteed scum today

if you targetted kazio different story

frost is already hard confirmed from the fact my ability on kazio didint triggerr

also we have an outted minister (hazard)

yeah sorry,
my sceudle is crap rn
i thought id have more time to catch up and get invested in the game