Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

How about you read the roles of them? Being roleblocked sound so bland

Because Otter claimed Oracle and said I didn’t visit anyone N1.

So either Otter is a wolf or it’s Elementalist game

zone is just town btw

Idk he said he would target be two days in a row and never did

Why Elementalist?

brak. You have seen me working mech this game. I can put two and two together and see it was a RT if i was elementalist who roleblocked you

not to mention me not knowing diviner existed is entirely possible for both town me and LW me.

Also explain my day 2 exo play if im in fact elementalist who rbed you? It makes no sense

I’m clearly messing with you


You done absolutely nothing right

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No Conjuror claimed to RB me,
Sorcerer would have made Otter see me visit Magnus
Elementalist is the only thing that could have rbd me

nah what zone just did is classic town zone probably

I just don’t see him targeting you like that after he said he was going target me constantly

I can respect Zone for not letting this information stop him to figure out the impossible becomes possible.

I do lol

So now we know Elementalist is the traitor, and they targeted me n1 (or otter is evil).

What are your actions?

You never told me and I refuse to work on your maybe

Otter could just be Elementalist who RBed you

I actually think Elementalist should have Town read me as I don’t understand the reason for rbing. Me if they thought I was maf

It’s possible

N1 Frost (I thought you would die)
N2 Zone

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