Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

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Good post Peasent

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I can believe this

Because Sheeping isnā€™t really AI itā€™s just bad to do

But then why lie about it. Your not answering my question

VOTE: Brakuren

You donā€™t use gimmick strategies to get yourself cleared
Iā€™ve seen like what more than a dozen of your games?

MU Article link

like itā€™s really giving :sob: :sob:

So your saying i am wrong. Cause you three also have chance to not be scum. So yo ur stating okaza brak and yourself are all wrong on your reads

I loke being aggressively attavked and being called pathetic and idiotic cause i made a read day 1. And people wonder why i have anxiety problems

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man manipulating my words.

Truely a pity that this comes from y Town read

Rich coming from you

okay but do you actually have a reason individually to believe any of them are scum

Iā€™ve just seen in from both alignment I donā€™t need an MU article

I am your Shepard

You didnā€™t read
Youā€™re not even trying with the initial proposition

The optics behind the triangle arenā€™t anything different than three players picked at random
So if you want to yolo there I question why

wdym manipulating my words I quoted a post where you said someone was outted mafia and then quoted a post from another game where someone said someone was outted mafia :skull_and_crossbones:

I have two nulls in there and one slight town.
Not any strong scum reads which is why i am not pushing it and i said devils advocate