Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

strongman is dead

fuck no I cant wtf you mean

…guys, Maj is just 4.


I know, i already quoted this

Im gonna bring out the stick

So basically

If Bionic flips Sorceror it’s just gg

@Someone im actually curious

where the fuck do you usually play

because your standard ruleset makes no sense to me

I mean this is standard for BOTC

Maj is >50%
7/2 is 3.5
4 is >3.5

6/2 is 3
4 is >3

and for like modified TOS so its not mech confirmed hell

I never played BOTC so makes sense

the roleblock thing makes no sense to me tbh

Regular TOS makes me want to either punch my screen out or die of boredom

this is what I tought was standard

it makes roleblocks more significant imo

based and correct take

ToS is fucking broken

but maj making sense is not the reason

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I only still play it cuz some of my friends want me to