Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

it’s not even like people do it on purpose

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I mean happened to me 3 times in a row soo

like eliza is just fucking unreadable day 1 i dont know anyone that can confidently solve them d1

everyone is unreadable d1

with flips and votes, you are getting somewhere

some people have tells

I used to have a pretty horrible tell


“guys dum is suspiciously silent”


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im not even joking I had a massive volume tell

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oooof. yea im always like this

i dont have it anymore, but early on I would literally like

100 post as scum after doing >1k posts as town and its painfully obvious

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For me, I post more the more exciting my role is

I post more the more interesting the game is

I play mafia for the fun of solving a puzzle

which is why I used to have a massive volume tell outside of multiball games, since scum in townvsevil doesn’t have to do any solving

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I love being op its nice

I have the funniest tell that I am not changing because I hope someone figures it out

here’s one example of me rolling an extremely underpowered role and still high posting (relatively to what the games volume was, the top poster was 500ish i did ~300)

I was FM-ohno and literally rolled fucking vanilla neighborizer (except im anonymous) in a setup with a fucking “do everything you want” role lmfao

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@Garfooled hello

like im not even joking

My role:

Day Ability: Select target for meeting
You select the target who would be affected by your Night Passive.
This is done in secret by DMing the host of the FM game.
You can select anyone who is still alive, except yourself.

Night Passive: 1-on-1 Night Chat with your Target
By default, this “Passive” would not be in effect, with no night chat with anyone for an entire night.
But once you selected someone with your Day Ability, this Passive is activated, with you and your target sharing an intimate private chat that lasts for the entire night.
Said passive would only work with that target for that one night. You would need to select them again with your Day Ability on a future day if you want to meet them again at a future night.
Your target can still do their night action as they talk with you in your meeting. Meetings are NOT Roleblocks.
If your target was jailed, or for any reason not at their home the night you planned the meeting, then the meeting will not work.
If their target has another night chat, such as Mafia/Cult night chat, than they can still participate in said night chat while in the meeting.

The roles other mfers got:

PQ (AKA PQRnHack; August 7th, 2014 - Present), born into an aristocratic Prussian family with a long history spamming. He is the son of Kaiser Erich von Paopan VII and Archduchess Maria Antonia SuperJack Josepha and is the sole heir apparent to the spam throne of Spamziland.

PQ joined the KRC (Code: S-FM 339) at a young age of 7 despite his hereditary condition known as Tourette?s Syndrome and saw service on Once Upon a Time, Politico, and Deck Mafia 008. During free time, he used his fair share of time practicing for being flatulist.

Historically, despite his performance during his service in Deck 008, the paramount leaders denied him distinguished service cross and it causes him to be more mentally unstable and his Tourette?s are getting more and more out of hand.

Now, during at KRC. The king gives him this following condition to keep his sanity and decency. Will PQ succumb to his weakness and give the wolves a win? or will PQ keep your sanity and strategize how many he will post?

Role Information
During the day, the number of your accumulated post will determine what item you will receive at night

11-20 post → Sarin Gas + Gas Mask(N)
21-30 post → Candy Van (D/N)
31-40 post → Gavel (D)
41-50 post → Signal Jammer(D)
51-60 post → Lantern (N)
51-60 post → Laptop (N)
61-70 post → Bonker Hammer (N)
71-80 post → Tape (N)
81-90 post → Chocolate (N)
91-inf post → PQ MANEUVER (N)

Legend: (N) - Night use | (D) - Day use

Items can be stored
Items are for single use only
Post count does not stack, resets to zero (0) every SoD

Item Descriptions

Sarin Gas + Gas Mask(N)
Everyone visiting the targeting slot will be poisoned (will die on the following EoD) - if the targeted player visited another house, he won’t be affected, you also won?t be due to the gas mask

Candy Van (D/N)
May choose between 1-3 players to kidnap. Kidnapped players are immune to NK and are given a candy on EoN (Candy: Swells the throat of the kidnapped players, publicly reducing their post cap to 25)

Gavel (D)
The number of votes to hammer is multiplied by 60% and rounded up. (e.g 22 players = 12 votes to hammer. 12 * 0.6 = 7.2, therefore 8 votes to hammer after the Gavel is used)
This change is announced publicly, although you are not announced to be the one that made the change. If the change puts a player over the hammer threshold, then the day immediately ends.

Signal Jammer(D)
Can make all forms of night chat disabled on the following night only

Lantern (N)
Can place a lantern on someone’s slot during the night and the host will reveal all players visiting the said slots the following day

Laptop (N)
Choose a player and the host will send you 1/2 (by character length) of the specified players last will the following day (first 1/2 or last 1/2 depends on host RNG)

Bonker Hammer (N)
Item that can be used to turn someone into an amnesiac. All of: the user of this item, the target of this item, and the role the target remembers as will be publicly announced in the thread.

Tape (N)
Can tape players (max. of 2 players per use) and give them a post cap of 30 on the following day.

They will be notified by the host privately and should not disclose this on public. If they violated the said rules, they are subjected for a mod kill

Chocolate (N)
Slots who are given a chocolate will cause them to fall in love with you (If the giver dies, the receiver dies as well. But if the receiver dies, the giver won’t die)

Special Mechanics: PQ MANEUVER
If you managed to post 91+ post within a single day. All players visiting you will acquire random items.

Limited Supply
Most items may only be obtained at most twice: once by yourself, and once by a visitor.
The Gavel and the Bonker Hammer may only be obtained once in total.
If your post count matches a bracket for which you’ve already received the item, you receive nothing.
If you execute the PQ Maneuver but have no items left to give, visitors get nothing.

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literally rolled the weakest role in the mfing setup