Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Ah well, letting you survive the final day was my first intention

Im so glad you were traitor, we were in such a terrible position if you didnt find up

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you were lw which explains some but you did the assignment

But secretly I would betray Otterpopd

I agree.

But there is a difference between making a mechanical error and making a TI error which causes town to be day vigged.

If you donā€™t care enough about the game to make sure your TI information is correct, why are you playing it?

I thought it was correct
I double triple checked when I got the seance and was trying to figure out how it worked
Last Iā€™m commenting on this topic on here


I have super bad news

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I got myself, town, executed! Iā€™ve made multiple mechanical or just judgement errors that had me whisper the wolfteam the entire PR list. I can assure you I was plenty committed to all of those games. Too committed, even. Games I spent hours and hours of my life on lost to a single error.

Itā€™s not a matter of carelessness, most of the time. People make errors about things they care about all the time. Itā€™s a matter of genuinely believing ā€œwell, Iā€™m correct, why would I think otherwiseā€ - itā€™s not knowing what you donā€™t know.

These kinds of blind spots can cause people to unintentionally make errors even in vastly more important contexts than forum mafia, ones they certainly care about. Very important, very expensive things blow up all the time!

I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to consider such an error an unambiguous sign of carelessness. Itā€™s unfair to the person youā€™re directly talking to, who in this case I know is not careless, Gar is a dedicated and skilled player, and it also makes anybody looking at how you treat Gar think back to their own errors in mafia games and wonder if you wouldā€™ve treated them in the same way over it.

When you take out your loss of a game on somebody else, you donā€™t just hurt them, you also demonstrate to everybody else in the room that you wouldnā€™t be forgiving of their mistakes. And you hurt your own growth as a player by ignoring what you actually have control over: your own improvement. Itā€™s generally unfavourable! I donā€™t recommend it!


Yeah no I agree. I am mad at Garf, but I think I am being a bit too mean and have apologized to him in private.

I think I take Mafia too seriously, which is why I get extremely frustrated when I lose a game due to someone misplaying as town (not just voting incorrectly).

I wonā€™t talk about this in the future, thanks for your message.


Thank you May
I appreciate you


If I ever blow something important & expensive up it was malice, not carelessness or a blindspot. I did it on purpose


I was literally trembling and could barely stand up when we were ritting ash.

I had to take deep breaths to calm myself for two hours this morning in order to post in thread.

So this is probably an understatement lmao


Most healthy hobby


Yeah I know the feelingā€¦ Iā€™ve made myself throw up over mafia stress. Iā€™ve walked into traffic because mafia stress made me forget how risk assessment works. I used to eat 0 meals throughout the entire duration of any wolfgame.

Every step Iā€™ve taken to get over that stress and stop caring that much has made me a better player.


I was almost going to this morning lol

I only feel the stress in LyLo

I just really really really hate wolfing. Or used to. 2023 Best Scum Player


2023 people like me for no reason so they gave me an award


well you are unempathetic which is a good trait for a wolf