Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

3rd wasnt here tho

was I not in the first game it happened? I only remember 2

That answers my question

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Would you mind we if quickhammered you just to speed run to ritual phase?

Thanks in advance

yea lmao


also this is a bad mindset to have if you have any intentions of imporving as a mafia player (if you dont thats also valid and I respect it)

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I mean I base my reads off actions not words

by actions do you mean mech? otherwise this hurts my brain because if you mean actions as in things they do in thread thats technically words and im just confused

No actions as in phsyical actions we have done recently in our lives

but regardless you should try basing your reads off both

i went bouldering yesterday if that helps

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Like anything but soulreading ppl with what they say

I mean last 2 times I tried having an opinion d1 I got lynched for it lmao.

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I dont see how this makes it not possible to have reads day 1 surely people are doing actions that you could then read

and both times they were good, which was really annoying

A great idea. Laughs

No one cares.

I only remember the last game and it was a very lazy opinion in the grand scheme of things and you shouldnt be using that as a defense here lol