Role Review (from a shithead's perspective)

High Priestess
Town Social

Each night (including N0), learn which player the Host believes you should talk to most.”

Town wincon.
(BOTC character)

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Neutral (Evil)

Each night you may attach a fuse to one person. Each fuse will last for two nights.
If that person is attacked, the violence of the event triggers the fuse.
Once the fuse is triggered, a warning is sent to the Town that a fuse has gone off.
After 3 following nights, the bomb will detonate, killing everybody in the town while you hide in your shelter.
The only way to defuse the bomb is to kill the Bomber first.
You are night immune.
(from the depths of hell)

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What do you mean “neutral evil”


No role comes close to the strength of Legion :pray: .


Optimal legion play is great
You need to gaslight the shit out of the other players, make them start fights with each other, and scream at people until they lose their will to fight


Legion is peak botc design where it’s unfun for everybody playing with or against it, as the game ultimately devolves into a perversion of actual good mafia design
Shit like legion is the reason why people stick to the less out there scripts


It’s just like atheist in that it is the type of idea a fledgling designer would come up with as a cool ‘aha’ mechanic that they think adds, without understanding that the mafia standard gameplay loop is the way it is for a reason

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Otherwise, pretty good role it’s a nice one off gag

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Characters such as Atheist or Legion serve as possibilities for normal evil teams to exploit more often than anything else, and that’s good because the evil team should be exploiting and muddying the good team’s information.

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Notably better in irl since it is less like beating the shit out of someone for an hour and more like slapping them in the face

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… .for an hour?

It’s an expression

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I do get the merits of this approach but I also think it gets muddied by essentially devolving into hostreading, which is as designed in botc but I think it’s less of an interesting debate than with any other character inclusion

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yes ik now

slapping people in the face for an hour?


legion / atheist longform is painful, grueling, and you just become numb to it eventually
in shortform it’s a bad joke but bad jokes can be funny

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I feel like there is a reason I never actually put any of Legion / Atheist / Heretic into play

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