[RP] Perjury (Game)

and various different things are effected by that places laws, along with your character

Oh, you know how it is… there are people who love cops, there are people who hate cops. It’s a mixed bag, and this fictional city is clearly corrupt, but there are still some great people here. It depends on who you ask, I guess.

As said, the city is clearly corrupt if there’s half the game trying to throw this defendant under the bus. It’s in the name of the game, after all. But there are all the necessities that you need from a city. There’s a city hall, city council, emergency services, bank, yada yada. You could assume there are other locations like a school that haven’t been mentioned because they weren’t needed yet.


I dont know what this means

I’m not going to be as strict on the laws, so it’s already a little bit idiosyncratic. I wouldn’t want to put it on a scale, because I would want players to have fun – you don’t know how to drive a tank because you’re a mere journalist, therefore you fail. It’d be closer to reality than not, preferably

will you allow a cat to be a player character
will you allow a catboy to be a player character

I have no idea

Can I roll for it

Go ahead. This is your revision

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below 80 catboys and equivalent
below 50 everything else

@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 67

I’m sorry but you failed the exam, we don’t roll d100s here

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one second

what are the odds @Magician

We’ll just say that 4 or higher is a hit. One hit exceeds 50%.

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 6, 5

thats the second best roll i could’ve gotten

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snake eyes always loses
boxcars always wins

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My best advice is don’t overthink it


My basic strategy is to come up with a funny idea and just run with it

For example, you could rp as a traveling umbrella salesperson who became a witness
But who often gets distracted during testimony by trying to sell umbrellas to the jurors instead of giving testimony

(No, this is not the character I’m playing as)