[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.

Max stats (each component has different bonus stat allocation)

  • Melee (Physique): 1+(6+4)+((5"+1")•2)+(5•0.5)+(6•1.5)+WP = 1+10+12+2.5+9+WP = 34.5+WP
  • Ranged & Gun (Wisdom / Agility): WP+((6+4+4)•1.25)+((5+6"+1")•1.5) = WP+17.5+18 = 35.5+WP
  • Sharpshooter (Agility / Logic / Reaction Speed / Wisdom / Survivalism): WP+ADM+((6+4+4+5+6"+1")•1.25) = WP+ADM+(26•1.25) = 32.5+WP+ADM
  • Magicks (Influential Rhetoric): WP+(2+5+6)+((3+3+4)•2.5)+((3"+1")•3) = WP+13+25+12 = 50+WP
  • Magic (Influential Rhetoric): WP+((2+5+6)•1.25)+((3+3+4)•3)+((3"+1")•3.5) = WP+16.25+30+14 = 60.25+WP

  • Accuracy (Innerworkings): 40+(6•3)+((2"+1")•9)+(4•2)+WP+(6•2.5)+5 = 40+18+27+8+WP+15+5 = 113%+WP
  • Health (Endurance): 40+((5"+1")•5)+(3•3)+((6+5)•2) = 40+30+9+22 = 101
  • Magicks Pool (Wisdom): 0+((5"+1")•4)+((3+3)•2.5)+((3+3)•2) = 0+24+15+12 = 51
  • Magic Pool (Wisdom): 0+((5"+1")•2.5)+((3+3)•1.5)+((3+3)•2) = 0+15+9+12 = 36

rounded down for .49
rounded up for .50

I won’t round it up or down. That’s the host’s job.
…by the way, do magic(ks) need the Accuracy stat as well?


it was for your knowledge!!

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Thanks, but uh… Y’know. I don’t wanna rewrite more numbers in case I got the numbers wrong.

I get the point though. Thank you for the reminder.

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my god

I see… I understand now. The most important factor in terms of statistical numbers in this game are weapons. It matters not if you max out your stats if a weapon could give +200 damage and +50% Accuracy. :smiling_face_with_tear:

The second most important non-roleplay factor are the mana pools, as they are essential to activate magic. (Magic… in a futuristic world?)

The third […] factor is dodge chance. If you avoid attacks, then you don’t get damaged at all.

Finally, the least important factor… is health. It can go up to 101, but that’s basically 3~4 shots away from a player’s max ranged stats if the weapons give 0 damage. (2 shot from mages.) Like, health isn’t unimportant, but compared to other stats…

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Do note tho that your health is double the health you see tho, and if you go under half then you start taking permanent negative effects.

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And from how WP works, it shouldn’t be giving +200 or something like that. Im pretty sure +10 is a crazy high number for WP.


im gonna go pass out now cause i shouldve been asleep 6 hours ago
see you all in 20 minutes


on one hand this sounds cool as hell on the other hand i have historically sucked at roleplaying


Just come up with a silly character idea, then post a moderate amount and you’re chillin

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When in doubt, play to what balls the hardest

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fuck it
/in as 1st lieutenant @Atlas
i will either put zero effort into my character or a downright absurd amount


probably the latter because i have already brainstormed one


Not for Cadets though.

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oh true, I forgot

Yea health is a lot more important when its 2x

i think that’s the point

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