SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

The problem I had with the post is that it seemed double edged in the sense of trying to both explain your behavior and vent your frustration at the game. The words “so my wim is low” is what i meant by explaining your behavior this game, and the rest of the post is what I meant by venting your frustration.

Focus is kind of the wrong word to use there, as you weren’t really focused on explaining your behavior. I think a better sentence would be saying that it seems unnatural to include those words when the point of the post seemed to be trying to vent your frustration, and it takes away the readers focus from venting your frustration, to seeing a reason for how you are acting.

so do you think it’s performative?

I think venting frustration is more towny if anything?

whoops ignore the second question mark

no it was meant to be apart of a joke that I turned into a frustration post about bastard games, games that advertise themselves as bastard and the threadstate but go off, you got this, it’s legit been like 9 hours since game start and the thread had been shit from the start of that, I’m allowed to say my thoughts on why I can’t be bothered doing much

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This reasoning makes sense I think.

Whatever Squirrel thinks I am, I’m probably the opposite.

Okay okay. You can be >rand null.

I actually didn’t know it was a meme post but maybe I am taking things a bit too seriously.

Sounds to me that Min is trying to justify not trying to come up with any reads. >rand scum I think.



take that italy

I’ve proven you wrong

keep reading

min has more reads later on

im convinced any normal person would have to be on drugs to come up with this conclusion

especially considering the fact i literally came up with reads since i posted that.

Not sure where you’re going with that Wind read but I do find her townreading Squirrel just for showing that he was reading the thread to be mildly suspicious.

As for Wazza, I’m considering it to be NAI that he did that since scum could do it too.

Not sure how to feel about Litten though. Could go either way.

leafia is just. high on life. and some other stuff.


Leafia, part of the problem with the way you read people is you don’t actually focus on what type of person the person you are making a read on, is. In this case, you can tell that min is a cautious type of player solely based off how they treated me when they reacted to my post, because they started out their post with “not trying to nitpick”. While they could act cautiously solely as mafia, I doubt that you haven’t played with them before and would know that this behavior matches the way they approach games. I don’t know actually how they approach the game as mafia, though.

When you read people this game, Leafia, can you stop yourself and ask “Is this type of read relevant for the person I’m reading?”. I’m sure your accuracy rating would increase if you did this, or at least your reasoning for making reads would become more solid.


It’s a bad idea regardless of your alignment.

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Anyway, it has come to my attention that some people are doubting my capability to read. I go with my gut, the same gut that caught several deep wolves when no one else did, the same gut that was able to find fellow townies good when no one else could, the same gut that could consistently read Alice, and the same gut that is decent at reading people I have no meta on and getting accurate reads. I make mistakes, but I have learned that if I don’t trust my own gut I accidently shoot townies. There have been games in which I trusted a public shotlist and neglected my own gut feelings and guess what, I was right. Some things can’t be explained with “reason”, it just works. You should try trusting intuition more. I really don’t try to have a massive ego, it’s just I want people to recognize my gift.


That’s a good copy pasta


thanks im trying to popularize it

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also, looking back on it… min has a very good point.
there are like… three or four loud players in this entire playerlist.

That sounds delicious right now.

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Leafia, for the last time.

Oops. Sorry Wazza.