SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

@Zone_Q11 also I’m kind of curious about this Gacha. I like RNG.
Altho it usually doesn’t like me.

I mean, it probably will at the very least confirm my role.
Sure, I will most likely get complained at by Aelin and Litten, and it’s slightly scuffed that I can’t reveal everything about my role, but at the very least I can be useful role-wise.
Read-wise… Yeah, I’ll have to work on that front.

eevee, you don’t get it. My ability only activates when both my targets are of the same faction.
Unless you’re telling me there are more Neutrals of the exact same faction as yours, it is guaranteed to do nothing. They won’t get anything out of it, and more importantly: I wouldn’t be able to confirm my role.

i’m aware that eevee is adamant about the whole neutral thing but bear in mind that he’s quite unconventional and maybe a little unhinged
he may often bring good results but i don’t believe for a second that he’s actually a neutral

Bruh, then are you saying you actually want me to choose you and him?

I think Italy wants to test if I’m fakeclaiming or not about being neutral, lmao.

I mean, if it fails, then it would confirm that you are not in the same faction.
I am essentially a Cop–

Well **** me. PROTECTIVES, HELP ME!!!

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fol d1 with no outs challenge


apparently so

We didn’t even make it through half a day, did we

day ends in an hour and a half

Yeah but the first soft/claim was long ago

Welp. All I can do now is pray that protectives will visit me instead of Aelin.
…in a sense, I might be potentially screwing over Aelin in two different ways.
…I apologize in advance @Aelin.

That’s what I was trying to tell you, when I was about thinking who you want to target, lmao.

Then why did you continue talking about it?

Voted Voters Votes
Atlas Aelin, EliThePsycho, Youbutworse, Wazza, Leafia, Italy 6/10
Leafia Sirderpsalot, Zone,windwardaway, gorta, 4/10
Silvu Litten,squirrel 2/10
min Blizer 1/10
squirrel silvu 1/10


Okay Daeron