Secret Palpatine - Completed - Jedi (Whysper, Jarek, Jane, AtNoName, Squirrel, Crichard) Win

If you give us sith, I hope you don’t get picked again.

Our go to plan here should be aim for Jedi cards and win that way

Give us Jedi card!

Don’t discard Jedi, Discard Sith.

I mean


That is how town wins SH


Do we vote privately or publicly.
If publicly I vote Yes on Amelia.


All votes will be revealed at the end tho

also if you forget to vote then it defaults to yes



Is the exact text of our votes revealed

I may or may not have flavorclaimed in my vote

Wait is flavorclaiming even illegal

No lol


I assume no to that squirrel

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Made from Vice Co

Hello! Our Senate has been infiltrated by the dastardly Sith and even worse, it is rumored that Palpatine is among us too. Now Palpatine can appear to be Jedi, because they only know their role at the start yet has Sith win condition. I see that Jane didn’t follow the 10 player meta of 1-6, 2-7, 3-8, 4-9, 5-10.
Wait the Vice Chair doesn’t lock in their choice until election phase is over right? @ElizaThePsycho @Atlas .

I’ll wait for host answer to be sure.