Secret Palpatine Round 2 - The Sith have won!

But wouldn’t it be more likely for at least one of them to vote “yes” if they’re both sith, since it would make it easier for them to pass a sith policy in that case? Or am I misunderstanding how the game works?

Actually nvm what am I saying, if they’re the only two who vote No anyway, it doesn’t matter because they’re still the government. It would really only have given us info on them if a third player had also voted No.

Can you tell I’m sleep deprived lol

They don’t know what the other is voting regardless of their alignment and their vote doesn’t affect the policy that gets passed. The only thing that does is the cards they receive.

@CRichardFortressLies it’s this thread you announce it not my DM’s.
Anyway, Double S’s. I’ll await on Richard to say anything further.

A Sith policy has been passed.

Marluna has obtained the investigation power.

Ok so @Marluna why TF did you get rid of a Jedi policy or are you claiming all 3 Sith’s?

If that’s the case there is what 6 Sith in deck?
That means there theoretically is only 1 left since Mist claimed 2 I believe.

Oh wait there’s 11?

Ah I was getting it mixed up my bad.

Ok so I’m that case there should be 5 Jedi Policies and 6 Sith Policies left in the deck.

Meaning there theoretically should be 2 Jedi Policies passing next.

Investigate either Me because I was your elected pick or investigate Leafia.

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Since Leafia is next in line I believe.

No. There’s 11 soth policies in all in the deck and 6 jedi policies.

No. You investigate you or rge next Vice Vhchair.

Oh wait. I am the next vice chair.

So investigate either me or Lucky. Either one is acceptable. I’d prefer to be investigated myself honestly.

Leafia. Just say you agree with me no need to repeat what I said.

Sorry about that. I agree with you Seth.

Good night now too.