Secret Societies - CHAOS (Kanave, Marluna, CRichard) WINS!

how many secrets are you claiming to have again?

Of the people who are willing to claim it, at least. I don’t really see a reason to out it unless I think anyone else I woke up with is acting shifty.

If someone else has 2 secrets already, they will probably vote you anyway, to get rid of your secrets, so they can draft it later.

And if there are 3 people, who has 1 secret already, your loyalty to secrets is screwed anyway, and you are not a problem anymore…

I see.

Whats the card composition, i cant find it in the op

23 Order cards, including the special cards.
18 Chaos cards, including the special cards.
5 Secrets cards, including The Insight.
3 Scroll cards, including The Zenith.
5 Bribe cards, including The Impostor.

reading is hard

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Imagine not memorizing it :triumph:

I remembered only the number of secret cards, because of the secret’s win-con.

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I knew secrets and scrolls atleast

and somehow forgot bribes again

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The only really relevant ones to know are the Secrets, Bribes, and Scrolls unless you’re a tryhard who tries hard

Apparently memorizing the number of cards and types is incredibly hard.


is my hand

all actions have been submitted



Is one of those Chaos an Assassin :eyes:

Only one way to find out.

maybe so, maybe not

reality is what you deem

Alternate proposal: Reality is what people claim it is

@ anyone else holding the Assassin :innocent:

The following cards were displayed:

Whysper: The Zenith

Whysper’s vote counts 2 the next voting phase.

Kanave: Order

Marluna: Order

Aleph: Chaos

Drinks: Order

CRichard: Order

Day 3 begins; everyone MUST PRIVATELY vote for a player.