Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

if ppl want to talk to me ping me

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i wont get in the way

all cool

I already whispered to atlas

I want to include Kiiruma in some whispers today if possible.

I wanted to whisper with you because it’s important, arguably it’s more important for atlas but


can you make

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I mean if yall think an evil was nommed yesterday and that I might be good then go for it.

Any info I get helps me to solve, but doesn’t mean that the people you want to be nommed will be nommed still.

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/forcibly end

okay then

@baker @atlas I broke whisper

that was something
VOTE: baker

I’m not pushing on that

VOTE: Bionic

they’re almost certainly a minion

Eyes on the prize

minions do tend to cause a lot of problems

if its imp or pit hag, all evils matter

why did you guys break i am losing connection here

the pithag has a good chance of being alive

its been laggy for days