Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

i almost fully trust icet; do you trust the other people in that whisper

I do not. That is why I wanted to talk beforehand.

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you’ve sold me!

sorry for putting up such a fight

/whisper Atlas

/whisper artemis

id be asleep sorz

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mfw we chopped wolf d1

mfw 3 deaths

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was that po? i thought it had to charge?

we do

i have concerns

let me ask you something rq

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cant be po, it would have to charge


im gonna hard claim to atlas but before that

guys is there a chance atlas was the demon and they switched via pithag / imp?


does anyone have such concerns?

because in our whisper with silviu atlas said that they think pithag would make a new demon n1

at the time i was like “iight” but after understanding a bit more about the game i find this weird in hindsight

@Atlas why did you think pithag would make a new demon n1?

hmm alright nobody seems to be voting you so ok

why did luka die? what was he?

wait icet died too i misread

VOTE: L.una
VOTE: Artemis
VOTE: Magnus

demon NK
gossip succeeding
gambler failing

those are the possibilities for n1 death right? so 3 out of those 5?

i dont think atlas and l.una are w/w for reasons

so if l.una (or someone else) doesn’t have concerns about atlas demon i think it’s safe to proceed from there

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Both are mechanically sound possibilities, since the Minstrel didn’t trigger.

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I concur because they disagreed in public about a private debate yesterday.