Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

I am pale as fuck because I don’t go outside

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/whisper Kiiruma

if baker is the demon then they had to have coordinated for a change right

What do you mean

Pithag changing demon type


I don’t think necessarily? Pithag knows who Demon is

IDK why they’d change iwthout talking though

You make?

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They do?

They know which person it is

I forget if they learn Demon type it’s always diffetent

like if it’s baker you probably make an imp

:full_moon: Deathkissed Setup Info — Deathkissed players learn their teammates and their character types.

They do

They learn whether they are the demon which is a character type

So they didn’t need to coordinate changing Demon type


What is a character type


Townsfolk ohtsider mimon demon