Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

i have 4 left

do you wanna include anyone in the whisper?

You can definitely use socials. But it shouldnt be the only thing you use

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True and valid.

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And i have solved many bmr games with mech

right now my main problem is finding an evil team and making them make sense

If Luna is out it can just be us
/whisper tutuu

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it’s weird we don’t have more double claims considering the amount of townsfolk we should have


i will make

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Chambermaid goes crazy

I am leaning that too. I am just re reading stuff to check i am not being massively manipulated


Chanbermaid wild

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It’s really not that weird, evil gets 3 bluffs. And there’s only 4 evils.
And if one of them is the Huli Jing then evil has even more bluffs

most demon candidates haven’t whispered each other

I’ve literally got a grim open of everyone’s roles and moving evils roles around

i seriously dont get why aren’t we chopping magnus today

their only claim they can hold onto is ravenskeeper or soft mutant

there is a good chance they knew about ravenskeeper being a bluff

we shouldnt kill magnus.

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I trust your judgment on this.

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then you should exile kii and chop jarek

you have questions of mine to answer, ja?

what is it