Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

before you ask

Go Team


I was looking myself, but thanks.

I have a hard time believing socially that Ice is evil and Otter is good.

I think the Magnus/May world is possible, I just don’t think it makes as much sense as Tutuu/Magnus.

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i dont remember saying that

I sulked about it for quite some time!!

unsolicited hydra

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i gave someone else my account

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If N3 is a pithag jump, we also have to hit correctly back to back or we lose.

Which honestly would feel pretty terrible given that we’ve only missed once so far.

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i am an automatic self-improving motor-neuronizing machine
aka i think
you had lied various times about your capability, and i believed you, in all honesty
thats why i let you live

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silviu has told the truth to me, and ive seen them in action more then ive seen you
i’m more confident on them

also luna thinks youre scum

I wasn’t lying! I played it up, but “playing it up” is mostly just saying “I wouldn’t have admitted to flaws if they didn’t strategically advantage me”. I genuinely had extreme difficulty wolfing! I got better!

Lying online!!!

lying by omission is still lying

also i hosted krc and read what you said postgsme

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Wha did I say I forgot it

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me too but im sure it proves me right

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I wasn’t even lying by omission when I was saying I was polarised and found wolfing very difficult. It was very specifically being forced into being healthy by Italy during FAM3, alongside a pep talk from Magnus, that allowed me to suddenly and rapidly improve. People are not static!


lying by omission
tell me when you get better, and how i can beat you, before the game


It never came up!