Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

I’m out of the loop there.

I am a role that I like, I’d rather not get executed

That must be new for a change.


i believe you. but my word alone won’t spare you from the beasts

Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

I figured out your role solely based off what you have said even though you lied to me, it’s more fun as a puzzle this way.

Though I think Luka has some merit with their claim I might be Huli. As I claimed pretty much to everyone in a three-way, except with Magnus.

they so lied to you. is that really a question

It’s not a question
But I know their role.

I figured it out because they stated they told someone the truth.

@Silviu200530 i think i know your role. are you fine with me telling tutuu

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Which means I naturally know my role without even contacting the demon (Maybe-Or-Not Artemis/Magnus which are my neighbors, take that as you will). Though I can’t quite be demon or any other minion if I am really evil.

Yes, I am fine

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I also like my role and would rather not be executed.

theres exactly one good cannibal food on this script

Pixie is pretty good, all things considered.

Why isn’t Courtier Cannibal food?

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its a drink. idiot.


It only lasts for as long as they have the ability.

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