Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

Someone once told me the world was going to snow me


So unfamiliar, nya~



Iā€™ve already spent all my whispers, so Iā€™m basically a Vanilia town now. I like this format for botc, I get less invested and I donā€™t try to figure out eveyrbing right away.


isnt it 5 a day

I wonder if Snowe would legalise our illegal chats.

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its not 5 in total right

ye says 5

Itā€™s five a day.

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Everyone has a maximum of five whispers per day, excluding neighbour whispers.

one of my neighbors is a traveler so thats fun

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@Silviu200530 when we whisper later i will do ā€œbanknotes rustling and fanningā€ and ā€œwallet droppingā€ ASMR just for you. I bet ud like that my dear robmanian


You are already playing much better than achromatic did.


Dont u dare call me chicken legs im breaking the whisper if u do. Respect ur elders

Since when does Silviu love the sound of money? Arenā€™t they a student?


I feel like everyone likes the sound of money

Someone, are you an alt, or are you new here? Iā€™d imagine youā€™ve already been asked this question, but I wanted to ask anyway.

Im new on here, dont use forums much

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I am ā€œSomeoneā€ everywhere tho, thats just my brand

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In which case, welcome to FoL. Hopefully youā€™ll find Discourse intuitive enough to use here.
How much BOTC, or just general social deduction, experience do you have?

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