Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]


I dont direct claim

The trust is still sore!

I only snitch my own information and only to people I’m vulnerable to

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Anyway i am way to tired to read up. What’s happening?

atlas snitched my role and I’m upset

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It sucks doesnt it

i very technically didnt snitch last game
i just told people my own personal information

Now give me all your infowo

When you tell someone a role and they snitch it on someone else


This is literally me with Hazard

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Otterpopd is giving up on living and lying as evil or giving up on living and lying as good and I’m happy to execute either one of those


It feels bad. (I love you litten just pushing buttons)

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Why though atlas

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Atlas why did ya snitch? You wanna present a reason or?


The role I claimed to them there’s zero reason to snitch day one

this happened to include everybody’s characters because i was a spy

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