Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

[flavor tbd]

GGhana has travelled away.

Luka died.

He was...

Frederick Blackrose

”Don’t call me ‘father.’ I am a duke, and you’d do well to remember that if you want any hope of being one too, Ms. Blackrose.”

The ambitious Duke of Marianalles, residing in his palace in Roslenberg after returning from from an audience with the king. Although he claims its a rest period, the town is in a stir about the jachelim that arrived at the palace yesterday. He’s proud of his son, Aliena, who he’s preparing to become the next heir to the family estate. The same cannot be said of his daughter Cecilia, who he almost entirely ignores.

IcetFeelsPain died.

He was...

Sylvain Destin

”Heya Rosalind, I have an errand I gotta run. Do ya mind running the shop counter while I’m gone?”

Rosalind’s older brother, who runs the only artificer’s shop in Roslenberg. He is effectively the only non-cult-affiliated, non royal-affiliated mage in the town, due to its lack of university. He went to school in the capitol of the Flumes, before returning to his family business and transforming it from a jewler’s into a general magical artifact store. He’s generally lukewarm towards Rosalind—they talk about mundane things, but never broach emotional topics.

Atlas died.

They were...

Phebe Desmalin

“I know you’re not my oldest friends, but that doesn’t mean you’re not the most important ones.”

A tomboy whose parents died in an accident recently. She moved to Roslenberg from the Crown States to live with her uncle, her only living relative, and has since fallen in with the Cult of Azrael. She’s a jack of all trades who has become a sort of leader of her friend group due to her fiery assertiveness, even though she’s the most recent one to join them.

Day 2 begins shortly.

It will end in 48 hours at 2023-12-17T22:00:00Z.

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Well then
@atlas care to chat

I’d love to.

/whisper atlas

/whisper L.una

If one of you were the Tinker (namely Luka, mostly), please claim it.

atlas i respected the points you made from early day 1 whisper

but we need to talk

Assuming otherwise…
Gambler, Gossip.

dont think any of us are


Demon kill + Gossip / Assassin / Gambler I assume

Icet, I think I’ve gleaned your character from the information in public chat.

I am Not feeling well maybe if I play Blood on the Clocktower I will feel better

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Blood on the Clocktower only causes improvements to health & mood. Anyone want to whisper

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frog shocked

is that a good thing or bad thing

I promise I’m not Assassin that self stabbed!!! Please give me your honest true 1f1 claims!!! I’m basically confirmed good!

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Given that you’re dead, it wouldn’t be very good at all if my read was correct.

we can whisper

I don’t think that was a Demon kill, though.