Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

Tahat? The Algerian mountain?

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Signal a break.


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@jarek can we talk later?

Or now

3 deaths is rough, but with a true gossip I think we are fine.

i would’ve said so if i were

I figured.


/whisper jarek


its strange to see you lie so much, after watching you in flowers

Yeah I doubt we would’ve had 3 deaths without a true gossip.
So it depends what the gossip was

That seems like an odd comment to make, given you wouldn’t know what I’ve lied or told the truth about.

I lied about my claims in Flowers a lot, mostly in an adjacent way to my real claim.


can you be certain i wouldnt know?

i did expect you to tell the truth, or a half truth, once, judging from our whisper in…

sorry, it was
the game with the cassette tape and the 1980s theme

You’re referring to Unkindness and Storytelling.

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