Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

/whisper L.una and Magnus

stop right there

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isnt luna outta whispers

I’m stopping

I have one left!

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oh okay

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evil team meetup?

Mom I’m using my last whisper to have fun with friends I promise we won’t do drugs


you’re my daughter and i want to know you’re safe


/whisper may and magnus

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If anyone whispered since the last update, I missed them. I saw three fakeouts from L.una.

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May makes it

Mario Kart is one hell of a drug.


I’m doing good on stamina
I lasted one hour longer with whispers this time.

I haven’t accepted anything yet.

[LOUDLY BEHIND YOU SO IT CAN BE PICKED UP ON THE PHONE] okay so 18 pounds of cokane, 12 pouds of crake,


Sad. Crying.

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Basically how this whisper will work is you all will give al the information you know to me

I feel like I’m being mugged

You are. Please do not resisit. Magnus?

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