Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

What’s the problem with clicking the vc button?

You ran out of whispers didnt you


The waiting time

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Gen z patience

I’m uncertain if we have like 9 people on the voting block

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socially tutuu feels town btw but again i am very sad they are not considering atlas being wrong on me

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Grrrrrr that little pink dinosoar

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Sorry if youre town, i’m just trying my best man :frowning:

It happens a lot in BOTC and is particularly annoying due to the private whispers and flipless nature of the game.

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Tomorrow? Please


I have 4 whispers. Anyone wanna take em

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this isnt your best and yall don’t even consider otter pixie claiming and calling magnus artist is not sus when we have a different artist alive

anyway i wont continue this. people won’t believe i was shielding silviu because i trusted atlas read on silviu. unfair but its atlas problem for being inconsiderate. i didn’t even go against anything they shared in our first d1 whisper. they have developed this artificial tunnel on me and now it is getting out of control. my earlier claims might come off sus to people but honestly i disliked silviu being topwagon and kept tracking the vote patterns. at this point luna made a deal with atlas and me. atlas died, i didnt. this is making them scumread me. see the flaw here? atlas doesn’t even consider what i went through for their trustfall on silviu

and i am not saying silviu is bad but it does make me scratch my head a bit. there could be a world where i was just a pawn and was used by atlas/luna/silviu/tutuu team. but that is like the final world i would look at after seeing the next set of deaths


you know what else is funny? atlas not considering a world where l.una is evil…

t!atlas would very well know i would kill them by any means if i were evil. l.una killed atlas and atlas thinks i am the evil and l.una town :joy_cat:

By the way what do you think of otter

otters vote on you pinged me

then they claimed to claim pixie to magnus and guess them as artist

turns out artist was someone else

i think otter is evil most of the times

Tomorrow I’m saving my whispers.